Category: golf

When In Doubt, Shorten Your Backswing To Stay Connected

Most golf swing problems are the hands and arms ruining the backswing. You then try to recover by “doing things” during the downswing to fix it. My method uses the Large Muscles to control the hands and arms so we can be consistent. This one simple thought will help you… if you start struggling, SHORTEN

More Distance

Here is a New video that helps explain how if you resist with the lower body as you start your takeaway using the front shoulder, you WILL hit the ball much farther. [youtube]

No Active Wrist Hinge Retainment

One of my students asked: Q – On the downswing is it the turning of the hips at a nice pace with the right wrist cock retained? A – The hips “PULL” your arms back down in front of your body… A powerful image would be to visualize that, your elbows realign with the hips

Mass vs. Speed – My Opinion

What’s better? A fast moving club head with a short length and changing club face, or twice the length including all the body mass rotating athletically with a constant, square club face? About 15 years ago I was practicing getting out of deep rough close to the green and had a HUGE revelation. I realized

Keep Front Sided Glued While Shoulders Wind Up

Learning to use the Large Muscles Athletically can be a little tough at first if you don’t immediately break movements that will send signals to your brain, that you are just doing your old golf swing. One of the biggest culprits is “Sliding” or allowing yourself to shift weight to the back leg (sliding must

Must Keep More Weight on the Front Foot to Unwind! – Golf Swing

The start of the downswing is an athletic unwinding from the ground up sequence. It is mandatory that there is more weight on the front leg to start this sequence. You can not start to unwind with more weight on the back foot. Traditional golf instruction has been sliding and loading up the back side

How to Draw the Golf Ball

Had this question this morning: Q – How do you make the ball draw from right to left as a right hand player? A – The way I teach this, is to start with the club out in front of you… arms extended with the shaft in line with the front arm. Now, for a

Golf Swing Analysis App

Record your golf swing at the range, on the course or in the backyard using the New iPhone/iPad App Golf Swing Analysis and have your swing video analyzed by PGA Professional Ross duPlessis. Now available in the App Store.

Golf – The Chicken Wing

What is a Chicken Wing anyway? What happens? Why is it wrong? First of all, The Chicken Wing can occur on the backswing and/or the downswing. The Elbows work kind of like “Supports” under the shaft. At the top of the backswing, the back arm is folded under to support the club shaft. Then on