Author Archives: rossideas

Keeping Your Hands Out Of Your Golf Swing

Muscle memory takes many repetitions to over come (daily for weeks, months). Your subconscious mind (where your current golf swing resides), does not want to let go of old habits until convinced that the new is better… this takes time (you can not fool yourself). It also takes many positive experiences before trust sets in.

Large Muscle Drill vs Swing (Flipping)

Many students at first have problems keeping their hands from taking over somewhere during the swing. Usually this is just before impact. I have a drill that works the large muscles, keeping the hands passive, that I have my students work on. Here is an analysis/comparison of the Large Muscle Drill vs. the Actual Golf

The Ball Just Gets in the Way As You Turn

This concept gives the feeling of a “continuous” movement through impact! This is what we want. Nothing happens at the ball. The ball just gets picked up as the body turns. This is where the hands want to take over and do something. Impact is quiet. Impact is Continuous. Impact is not a spot you

Pull The Handle With Your Body Turn

Using the hands to hit at the golf ball causes many problems. Learning to allow the Large Muscles to take control of your golf swing, fixes many of these problems. So how can we stop flipping and using our hands? I have learned through my own swing and teaching, that the more you can keep

The Front Shoulder – Where It All Starts

For a Large Muscles controlled golf swing, you start by using the Front Shoulder to push the arms and club to the top of the backswing. Your shoulders wind up around your spine and because of a slight tilt at setup, this wind up pushes your arms and club up to the top of your

The Thinking is Done – Just Practice

My instruction has many little nuances that make HUGE differences. These are mostly setup. I push routine, routine, routine to my students and the reason is the routine is the vehicle for lasting change. If you do something enough, it becomes muscle memory, but if you rethink or relearn something every time, it is brand

When In Doubt, Shorten Your Backswing To Stay Connected

Most golf swing problems are the hands and arms ruining the backswing. You then try to recover by “doing things” during the downswing to fix it. My method uses the Large Muscles to control the hands and arms so we can be consistent. This one simple thought will help you… if you start struggling, SHORTEN

More Distance

Here is a New video that helps explain how if you resist with the lower body as you start your takeaway using the front shoulder, you WILL hit the ball much farther. [youtube]

No Active Wrist Hinge Retainment

One of my students asked: Q – On the downswing is it the turning of the hips at a nice pace with the right wrist cock retained? A – The hips “PULL” your arms back down in front of your body… A powerful image would be to visualize that, your elbows realign with the hips