Category: golf balance

A Quick Post with Good Stuff!!

I just sent this (and a video) to an online student for their Swing Analysis and I thought, there are some get concepts here, I’m going to just post it! So hope you find a nugget or two… Ross Here are some key points for you to improve your golf swing: 1. Setup with you

Like a “Spring”

I think this analogy will help define what I mean when I use the term Large Muscles, and how the lower body, resists at the start of the takeaway, while the front shoulder starts the club straight back. If you were to hold a spring between your hands vertically, and your were to rotate both

Effortless, Balanced Complete Finish – Gives you the Answer

… now for the “Question” … “Am I using the “Large Muscles” correctly and completely or do I still need some work?” The answer lies in your Finish. I have watched tens of thousands of swings teaching over the years. I can tell you how someone will finish before they swing (by their setup). But

LEVEL SHOULDERS – I’ll bet yours aren’t!

One of the best days of my golf swing was, when I figured out I was dropping my back shoulder (a lot) at setup. I had been doing this for years and wasn’t even aware. Once I leveled my shoulders and kept them level (and parallel to my hips) as I sat down to the

Sit down, don’t bend

You hear me talk about an athletic setup. This position is like any other athlete who is ready (quarterback, guard in basketball, wrestler) balanced, centered with lower body ready. The easiest way to check to see if you are setup athletically is, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO EASILY HOVER THE CLUB SLIGHTLY OFF THE GROUND

How to distribute your “Weight” at Setup in the Golf Swing

The weight at setup is CRITICAL.  The misconception of having the weight on the balls of your feet is a compensation to correct another problem. The correct weight distribution is just like a quarter back or any other athlete… “ATHLETIC”.  What I mean by this is STRAIGHT DOWN as if you were guarding someone in

How to distribute your “Weight” at Setup in the Golf Swing

The weight at setup is CRITICAL.  The misconception of having the weight on the balls of your feet is a compensation to correct another problem. The correct weight distribution is just like a quarter back or any other athlete… “ATHLETIC”.  What I mean by this is STRAIGHT DOWN as if you were guarding someone in