Author Archives: rossideas

Never “Chip” again, and become much more CONSISTENT

First, I know I have a video on YouTube with almost 300K views on Great Chipping but, I haven’t taught any of my students to chip for at least 5 years. Don’t get me wrong, chipping isn’t bad, it’s just that Pitching, or engaging the hips on the downswing, is MUCH MORE RELIABLE. It is

Trust Your Turn to Hit the Ball

The more you can gain an awareness of your grip pressure during the swing, the better. I remember practicing for hours to be totally aware of my grip pressure and NOT LETTING IT CHANGE during the ENTIRE swing. This is hard to do at first but, with a little practice, will change your golf swing

Pull with the Left or Push from the Right… Both Work!

As I have mentioned, using the Large Muscles to control your golf swing will greatly improve your miss-hits, direction and distance. This leads to better scoring. Now, what I mean by using the large muscles is, on the backswing the Shoulders wind first while the hips resist… then once the shoulders have gone as far

Effortless, Balanced Complete Finish – Gives you the Answer

… now for the “Question” … “Am I using the “Large Muscles” correctly and completely or do I still need some work?” The answer lies in your Finish. I have watched tens of thousands of swings teaching over the years. I can tell you how someone will finish before they swing (by their setup). But

The Front Hip – Where the Golf Swing Really Rotates

The longest point of the golf swing is a vertical line straight down from the front shoulder, down the arm, down the shaft to the ground. This is the bottom of the swing arc (not in the middle between your feet). This point is where every throwing sport pivots… any throwing movement pivots around the

Let “Perception” Change Your Speed – Putting

When I teach my students about Putting, I tell them to ask themselves this question before each putt, … “Is the putt Uphill, Downhill or Level.” Then once they have that answer, follow these adjustments and use their “Perception” to change the speed of the putt. In other words, Where you look sends a signal

Hit Driver LONG… and get roll when it lands

Before you read: This assumes you have learned that the “SHAFT MUST BE IN LINE WITH THE FRONT ARM AT SETUP(* see below)”. But, if you’ve learned this… READ ON… A great way to learn to “Turn” to hit Driver (instead of chopping with your hands) is to tee up the ball just “OUTSIDE YOUR

How to Take it from the Range to the Course

Many, many of my students and golfers in general have stated they feel they have improved and see the results on the Driving Range, but then seem to lose it out on the course. How do you incorporate your “New” changes to your game? Routine, Routine, Routine! Okay, you already know this but do you

Constant Grip Pressure During the WHOLE SWING

Once you set your grip on the club with both hands equally, you do not want to change your grip pressure again until the swing is finished. That means NO ANXIOUS WAGGLING (a non-productive move that sets you up to flip). This conscious effort to not change your grip pressure will force you to learn

Impact Drill – Video

This video will help you feel what Impact should feel like using the Large Muscles to control your golf swing. It will also let you learn how to continue through to the finish using these Large Muscles. This move replaces using your hands as the source of power to hit at the ball. In a