Author Archives: rossideas

Shoulders & Hips Control – Arms, Hands & Club

The Body Rotation swings the Arms through to the finish. The Arms, Hands, & Club go for a ride. The Arms (with passive hands) are brought down thru and past impact all the way to the finish, by the body rotation. The hands and arms NEVER move on their own. There is a constant connection

Open and Close the Club Face – Can this be Consistent?

In a nutshell … If the face of the club opens, it has to be closed equal to the amount opened, or it won’t be square at impact. Realistically, what are the odds of this happening? Lets look at 2 variables: #1 – TIMING the open and close. – You’re at the range relaxed and

Setup vs. Impact – Not much difference

At setup, the elbows point at the hips, then as you turn thru impact, they again point at the hips (tho the hips are slightly turned unwinding). This photo shows setup, then impact during a swing… not much difference. On the downswing the arms and hands are passive and just go along for a ride

No Timing Needed with Large Muscle Controled Golf Swing

Someone made a comment on one of my YouTube Videos when I had mentioned, that if you keep a square club face and turn through the shot using Hips & Shoulders to control the golf swing, that “There is no need for timing with this golf swing”. Well, he didn’t like that. He said that

How to Hit a Solid Golf Shot

Don’t want to read? … listen This will help many of you understand the geometry of a solid shot. What?? Geometry?? Yes, solid golf shots are about angles. Trying to “Hit Down” on the ball is counter productive. Using the hands at impact ruins the golf swing*. If someone says to you, “hit down”, they

A Quick Post with Good Stuff!!

I just sent this (and a video) to an online student for their Swing Analysis and I thought, there are some get concepts here, I’m going to just post it! So hope you find a nugget or two… Ross Here are some key points for you to improve your golf swing: 1. Setup with you

Like a “Spring”

I think this analogy will help define what I mean when I use the term Large Muscles, and how the lower body, resists at the start of the takeaway, while the front shoulder starts the club straight back. If you were to hold a spring between your hands vertically, and your were to rotate both

Easy Technique for Great Putting

Given: Shoulders and Hips are in line with each other and parallel to your target line. Given: Arms and Putter hang directly under your shoulders (don’t reach out). Given: Eyes directly over target line. Given: Putter does not touch the ground EVER! Given: Lower body is Absolutely, Perfectly still during the stroke (pinch hold knees).

Impact is just inside front foot – Don’t Chop… TURN!

What’s a “Chop”? On the downswing, stopping the body mid-way to brace so the hands can “Chop” or hit at the ball. This is how most amateurs swing. It is not powerful or reliable. This is also why amateurs play the ball in the middle of their stance (Wrong!). Most golfers have never felt a