Author Archives: rossideas

Bunker Compensations

Had a student ask for tips on various bunker conditions… here are my responses: On an Uphill bunker shot you want to pre-set your weight up the hill into the front leg playing the ball on that foot. Your center is up the hill across from that foot. You do NOT want to open the

Don’t Keep Your Head Down – Turn

A golfer sent me this question in an email and I thought a few of you might be suffering from this. Q. – My biggest problem is…I just can’t keep my head down and my eyes on the ball just before striking the ball. Any hints on how to correct this problem? A. – I

Coming Over the Top – Golf

First, I don’t use this term since it does not occur using Large Muscles to control the golf swing, but I get asked how to fix this often. Here is a quick definition of how you develop this problem and how to prevent it from happening. Q: Ross, Whats the easiest way to stop coming

What is A Golf Swing?

The Golf Swing is a combination of Elements.  These elements are comprised of an Analysis of the conditions and current situation, then a Decision on the kind of shot and club needed, and a Routine to recall, remind and prepare your body to produce the shot that you’ve take before on the course or at

Shaft at Setup vs. Impact – It Changes!

Test for yourself: Stand with a golf club straight out in front of you with your wrists a little bent like your setup. Now, walk over to the wall until the club just touches (wrists still bent). Now, release your wrists to try to bow them up and see how you can’t because the radius

Active Hinging vs. Passive Hinging of the Wrists

IMPORTANT UPDATE: My instruction evolves. Since I wrote this, my discoveries have led me to believe, it is best to maintain the setup position of the wrists during the backswing and through impact and when the body has finished rotating, the wrists will release. There is no benefit at all (only problems) allowing the wrists

How to Setup Balanced & Centered for the Golf Swing

I recently replied to a students comment about how he checks his balance by wiggling his toes just before he hits and I really like the idea of checking your Balance and being Centered, but prefer my method that also covers other concerns at the same time. My answer: I see the concept behind the

Simulate this Move and Decide for Yourself

Setup like you are addressing and imaginary ball, with your back foot about 3′ from a wall. Now, imagine you are in the middle of the downswing just at impact. Also, imagine there is an elastic band attached from your hands to the wall you are pulling on. If you just use your hands to

How to Not Use Hands in Heavy Rough – Discipline

One of my students stated that he thought that my method of using the “Turn” and Large Muscles to hit the ball was great but, it would be hard to not help with the hands in heavy rough. Here is my reply that addresses a common short fall of many golfers that want to change