Toe shank

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    upsman Feb 25, 2021
    Yesterday I was at the range, I hit a 50 yard pitch off the toe of my club, 45 degrees to the right, thin. In fact I did it several times (this is not a hosel shank, it was definitely off the toe). I’m thinking I’m either out to in or my turn is early and I pulled the club in. Has anybody had this experience? What should I focus on? Thanks for your help. Update: I videoed my swing, froze it at impact, it was a hosel shank. I placed a head cover outside the ball to prevent out to in “chopping” and started hitting it crisp again. My setup was too close, hopefully now I understand how to cure it if it happens again


    Ross Feb 25, 2021
    There are many reasons or combinations of reasons to shank. There are many different discussions here (search the word shank) in the forums that address these reasons. In general… you start at setup with the club face square and the ball lined up in the center of the face, but at impact the face is very open and the ball can make contact anywhere on the face. This usually sends the ball going to the right (for a right handed player). One aspect that is usually part, if not all, of the problem is the hands opening the club face on the backswing and then not getting it back to square by impact.

    Start by searching shank here in the forums and read all the different discussions to get answers and see where you fit in. The best way for me to know what is causing it is to look at a couple of swing videos through a golf swing analysis and direct you to the Lesson Videos that will help you build a repeatable swing.


    upsman Feb 25, 2021
    OK thank you, I’ll do some research here. the snow is gone here so I’m going to pitch into a net today. My short swing game has been really good, this just popped up yesterday (I had one last week) and it really rattled me. If I can’t resolve it I will send you a video. Thanks!

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