Justin Rose Smart Ball Drill

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    alanschulte Jan 28, 2021
    Ross: What do you think about the tour striker smart ball and the lanyard drill? I’ve seen Justin Rose use it and it appears the purpose is to keep the forearms separated during the swing in the practice area. It is worthwhile? Thanks.


    Ross Jan 28, 2021
    I don’t know the drills, but it sounds totally contrary to what I teach. If the forearms separate, the elbows move apart, the radius shortens and will not be repeatable. I really don’t see any reason to do what you’re saying. I don’t search other techniques or drills.


    alanschulte Jan 28, 2021
    I don’t think I explained that well. The forearms and elbows hold the ball during the swing so they don’t come apart and remain a constant distance apart during the swing. I saw this during a Zurich commercial during the last tour event. I presume they are one of Rose’s sponsors.


    alanschulte Jan 28, 2021
    Here is a link to the commercial: justin rose ball and lanyard drill – Yahoo Video Search Results


    Ross Jan 29, 2021
    Oh, I see… I think this idea could help you keep the elbows towards each other. I’ve never used one, but have been teaching this concept ever since I saw a drawing in Hogan’s book (from the 1950s) of a rope wrapped around the arms keeping them working as a fixed unit. I then realized, that the idea also helped the shoulders control the backswing, keeping the arms/wrists passive and submissive to the shoulders. One other thing this device may help with is, shortening or stopping the elbows from separating towards the top of the backswing and lifting into what I call “the twilight zone”… where the arms are disconnected from the body’s control. It is like the point of no return. Thanks Alan


    alanschulte Jan 29, 2021
    Thanks Ross. I sometimes express myself like English is my second language.

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