Feel like Gary Player

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    tacks Feb 04, 2016
    I am new here, playing 45 yr, I am 72 yr. I am 7hdc. I have a stroke and the words to not come out to good. I have due you method for 1 wk. When I swing the right foot comes up when I finished .the swing. I feel like G Player who has a walk through finish What will cause this. Thanks Ed


    Ross Feb 04, 2016
    What it going on with the Gary Player “take a step” is you are not rotating left and bringing the shaft to the left (right hander)… you are turning some, then using your arms/hands to throw the club at the target. That type of move works like throwing a boat anchor and hanging on. You want to let the body rotate around.

    Hint: The club never points straight out in front of you at the target. Feel more like you’re dragging the shaft left using your turn.


    tacks Feb 04, 2016
    thanks What drill would help me the most Ed


    Ross Feb 04, 2016
    All the Drills that rotate… The Finish Drill, The Stop – Rotate Drill, The Large Muscles Drill.

    You want to feel “acceleration” all the way to the finish.

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