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Ross Feb 09, 2021
This does get complicated and I know exactly what you’re saying and I’ve addressed it years back when hitting Hybrids off the ground… It’s all about compensations to get the golf swing to be repeatable to produce a solid golf shot. It has to do with knowing, the lowest point of the swing arc is just about at the front foot. In short, Steve opens his shoulders to allow the club head to move closer to the ball at setup. And, during the swing his body will be unwinding and his hips will end up through impact roughly where his shoulders were at setup. I also know that you can just leave a gap at setup that allows you to keep your shoulder, knees, hips more inline and trust that you’ll make good contact. This is a very complicated subject and could take many different tangents about compensations and offsets. The only concept I use from Carl Lohren is the front shoulder to start the swing. I’ve expanded that to be both shoulders turning around the spine if the golfer prefers. It was also my understanding that Carl Lohren first saw this front shoulder move in Ben Hogan’s swing… I may be wrong.