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KeymasterRoss Apr 28, 2020
If your issue is raising up in the backswing and then back down (or lower) in the downswing, you want to find out what is making you feel the need to raise up or what is raising you up.Example 1: Your chin is buried in your chest, (maybe a vision/glasses issue) at setup and there is no room for your shoulders to turn without bumping into your face, so your head moves up out of the way or is moved by your shoulders as they turn*… then on the downswing, the head tries to return.
Example 2: You start the backswing using your shoulders, but midway your arms/hands start lifting to help, and this movement raises you and your head/chest up a bit, so the “action/reaction” is for the head/chest to return and many times they actually drop lower than where they were at setup**.
Example 3: You setup “out-of-balance”… “non-athletic”… with your chest hanging out over your toes. Your weight should never be on your toes. The first thing the body will try to do is “right” your balance or “center” you and you will fight trying to keep your tilt/posture out-of-balance out over your toes. PLUS, that position activates your lower back muscles to help hold you out of balance and causes many back problems and restricts your backswing***.
* Answer to this is to setup with your chin raised up a bit allowing your shoulders to turn freely under your chin. You’ll feel like your looking down your nose.
** Answer, learn and practice using only your shoulders to move your arms/club to the top of your backswing. Your head/chest won’t raise up and there will be no need to return or drop on the downswing.
*** Watch “Athletic Setup” Lesson video in the “Setup” section. Learn what an athletic setup feels like and practice setting up Athletically and “In-balance”.Ross
KeymasterRoss Apr 28, 2020
Not sure which aspect you mean Ed. Keeping your shoulders level? or keeping your head and chest from moving up and down during the swing?Ross
KeymasterRoss Oct 04, 2021
Hi Ed
I think you’re talking about the 60 Audio Tips. I don’t have specific drills for each tip, but if you’re not sure, just contact me and I’ll help you decide. Thanks for your dedication !!Ross
KeymasterWTG on the eagle Dave! I’ve always thought a big part of the enjoyment is the process, so when you put together 3 great shots, you could reflect on the hard work and practice that lead up to the result ?
KeymasterRoss Oct 05, 2021
Thanks Dave! Good to hear from you!Ross
KeymasterRoss Oct 01, 2021 ยท Edited
The height the arms/club travel “up” (as you say) is different for every golfer depending on their body size, type and height… and the amount of tilt each golfer has in their spine, depending on the club selection and course conditions (level ground, on a slope, ball above/below). Age and flexibility is another factor that limits the shoulder turn.Now, your friends mean well, but actually lifting your arms higher does not necessarily equal more distance. It does equal disconnection from the Large muscles and the chance for more inconsistency in many areas, but usually, the arms/club getting left behind is one of the first. Keep in mind that if done correctly, the shoulders will move the arms/club up roughly perpendicular to the spine angle. Your maximum distance is about how efficiently you wind up and unwind and how square the club face returns, and how close to the sweet spot on the club face you make contact. There are other factors.
There is a difference in actually lifting the arms in the backswing and the arms being moved by the shoulders. The arms may continue slightly at the top of the backswing due to the momentum of being moved by the shoulders. This can happen to golfers with a faster backswing. I’m not suggesting to speed up your backswing, I’m only mentioning that there might be a little more momentum at a faster pace and it may take the arms/club slightly higher. This must be done by the shoulders or you’ll disconnect.