The Pause – Downswing “Gold”

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    Ross Jul 04, 2014
    I was watching Patrick Reed and noticed (besides him adjusting his front foot on the downswing), that he has a great “pause” in his backswing. What this tells me is, he has a great visualization of what he wants for the downswing… AND, he thinks, the downswing is more important than the backswing. The pause, allows him a “moment” to regroup, so he can really commit to the downswing. If you look back to all the golfers that had a pause in their backswing, they ALL were great players. I really believe the golf swing (and I teach it daily), should be visualized in 2 pieces… backswing and downswing… and these 2 visualization are sent to your brain, when you look at the target, just before you “go”.


    davew Aug 04, 2014
    Ross, On the downswing I have a thought which may, on first sight seem obvious, but in reality it has made a great deal of difference to my results. It is on you theme of unwinding from the ground up (yes, I am still concentrating on the turn back) where we most naturally think of turning the hips. This was not really working for me so I really thought about what needed to happen. I realised the only way to get my mind to execute a powerful turn was to think of the feet really driving the leg’s through to a finish whilst maintaining posture.
    This is the most effective way I have had to execute the turn back and I really feel as though I am hitting the ball with my core rather than hand’/arms etc. I am convinced once this is more embodied my game will improve a lot. So, I think ‘unwind from the ground up’ is EXACTLY right.


    Ross Aug 04, 2014
    Yes. If that works for you use it.

    For many years, I taught the “knees” start the downswing (from ground up), but many of my students had trouble with that concept, so I moved up to “hips”. I guess the feet might be helping initiate the start, by pushing against the ground in a rotary move. I feel more like I use the feet as “anchors” for the body to unwind against. The good thing is… it is repeatable and powerful (if the backswing wound up correctly to begin with). Thanks Davew


    cguyaok Aug 06, 2014

    Ross, very pleased with: 1) locking out elbows 2)squared right foot open left foot 3) hovering driver 4) strong right hip turn into ball 5) new ball positions forward 6) distances and aims -brilliant stuff!

    Why are my drives all high draws? could the high tee have that influence all things being equal?



    Ross Aug 06, 2014
    Hi Patrick
    It is essential that the wrist angles at setup, are maintained as your rotate through impact. Eventually, the club head will relase (after the ball is gone). If you’re getting a high draw, you are either flipping (throwing the club head, closes the face and can add loft)… or you tried to help move the ball with your arms, which stops the body’s rotation and moves the ball left (right hander). You may have a driver with too much loft or regular flex, and the new ball position, makes the “effective loft” too high. If I see a couple swing videos, I can tell you for sure. I suspect you’re flipping vs. rotating. The body’s rotation must dominate through to the finish. You want to learn to keep the wrist angles from setup, the same as you return through impact. Sometimes holding the back wrist bent in a bit, helps keep the shaft in line with the front arm as you turn through.


    cguyaok Aug 08, 2014

    Lowered the driver to eight degrees-ball off instep-rotated through and ball had a pro -trajectory landing with a soft fade of about 5 yards. You were right Ross!

    Should add my stance was open-dur [biggrin] there is my penetrating draw-slightly closed stance!


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