Femgolf1 Jun 05, 2020
I was privileged to watch your video on rythm. The 3word rythm @left SHOULDER…pause….hips.and I found it very interesting. When I pause at the top it improves my ROTATION through the DOWNSWING. But sometimes I doubt if I am doing the right thing. Is it something I should continue to do to master. Please advise and help me to improve on this if you advise it.
Ross Jun 05, 2020
It takes practice. You can maybe practice, taking the club back about half way and completely stop for a couple seconds… then unwind your body and finish the swing. Maybe thinking “hips” to start the downswing.
Femgolf1 Jun 05, 2020
Again sometimes I desire to use this rythm but I just couldn’t. I rush down before i pause . Is there any drill to help with this?